News Update
6November 2020
Aerofood ACS’ Director of Commercial won the Best CMO – BUMN Branding Award
On November 5th, 2020, took place at the Grand Ballroom of the Ritz Carlton Hotel Mega Kuningan Jakarta, Mr. Marcello Massie as the Aerofood ACS Director of Commercial, won an award as The BEST [...]
23October 2020
Our Commitment to Ensure Safety and Food Quality
Facing the condition of Covid-19 pandemic, we continue to strive to prioritize the safety of all customers. In accordance with government health protocol and as a form of upgrading our service to costumers, we [...]
22October 2020
A Thrifty Movement and Responsibility in Using Masks
Aerofood ACS ensure all employees to be wise in wearing mask and maintaining the standard procedure applied. One of the with proper use of mask and stay in maintaining self-cleanliness and work environment. Use [...]