
Yanti Herlina R. Siregar
Plt. Direktur Utama, Direktur Operasi

Lahir di Bogor pada tanggal 18 Januari 1972, ditetapkan sebagai sebagai Direktur Operasi PT Aerofood Indonesia pada tanggal 1 April 2024, selanjutnya pada tanggal 7 Februari 2025 melalui Surat Dewan Komisaris Perseroan No. 2004/DK-ACS/II/2025 beliau ditetapkan sebagai Plt. Direktur Utama PT Aerofood Indonesia

Beliau merupakan lulusan Institut Administrasi Mandala jurusan Administrasi Niaga/Bisnis, sepanjang perjalanan karirnya dipercaya oleh PT Garuda Indonesia (Persero) pada berbagai posisi dan mengembangkan karirnya di PT Garuda Indonesia (Persero) Tbk sebagai Station & Service Manager di Bandar Udara Internasional Sultan Syarif Kasim II Pekanbaru (2009-2010), Station & Service Manager di Bandara Sydney – Australia (2010 – 2015), Station & Service Manager di Bandara Haneda – Tokyo, Jepang (2015-2018), Senior Manager Station & Services dan Sky Team Hub di Bandara Soekarno-Hatta – Indonesia (2018 – 2018).

Dan masih ditahun yang sama 2018 Beliau terus mengembangkan karirnya sebagai Vice President Ground Services, Service Expert Direktorat Teknik & Pelayanan kemudian pada 2020 – 2021 sebagai Vice President Service Planning & Development dan selanjutnya efektif September 2021 diberikan kepercayaan sebagai VP Service Management untuk memegang 3 unit sekaligus yaitu Ground Service, Inflight Service dan Service Quality Assurance.

Disamping menjalankan tugasnya seagai VP Service Management, pada Agustus 2021 Garuda Indonesia telah menunjuk Beliau sebagai Ketua Tim Taskforce PKPU Garuda Indonesia yang bersamaan dilakukannya proses restrukturisasi Garuda Indonesia.

I Nyoman Sunia Sanjaya
Direktur Keuangan dan SDM

Lahir di Denpasar, 11 Agustus 1971, ditetapkan sebagai Direktur Keuangan & SDM PT Aerofood Indonesia pada tanggal 10 Februari 2025. Sebelum menjabat posisi tersebut, beliau menjabat sebagai AR Collection & Recovery Division Head PT Garuda Indonesia (Persero) Tbk dari 1 November 2023 hingga 9 Februari 2025.

Mengawali karier di PT Garuda Indonesia (Persero) Tbk pada 1 Desember 1994 sebagai Staf Biro Perencanaan, beliau kemudian berkarier di berbagai posisi strategis seperti Corporate Planner, Manager Subsidiaries, SM Financial Analysis for Branch Offices, Strategic Business Unit & Corporate, dan SM Finance Controller for SWP Region. Selanjutnya, pada tanggal 11 Desember 2015 beliau menjabat sebagai VP Financial Analysis (Pjs).

I Nyoman Sunia Sanjaya adalah Sarjana Teknik Mesin Desain dari Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) Surabaya tahun 1994 dan Magister Manajemen dari Universitas Indonesia (UI) Jakarta tahun 2004.

Lisa Listyani Winolo
Direktur Strategi dan Komersial

Lahir di Surabaya, 19 Oktober 1981, ditetapkan sebagai Direktur Strategi dan Komersial pada tanggal 28 Agustus 2024.

Sebelum menjabat sebagai Direktur Strategi dan Komersial PT Aerofood Indonesia, beliau pernah menjabat beberapa posisi penting di antaranya Vice President Ancillary & Loyalty PT Citilink Indonesia, Senior Manager Ancillary PT Citilink Indonesia dan Senior Manager Cabin Service PT Citilink Indonesia

Lisa Listyani Winolo merupakan Sarjana lulusan LSPR Communication and Business Institute dengan Gelar Master di bidang Corporate Communication


The World Class Food Service Company


– To provide food and service solutions to meet customers delight
– To enhance organization capability by accelerating human capital development and innovating process & technology
– To maximize company’s values for stakeholders by achieving global recognition.


In running its business activities, Aerowisata applies standards of ethics complied with the corporate values Integrity, Professional, Synergy and Care for Environment.


Being consistent in thought, speech, and deed by upholding honesty, transparency, ethics, and resoluteness in any condition.


Working wholeheartedly in a smart and discipline manner, that is oriented to excellent service and customer satisfaction, in order to attain maximum result with optimum efforts in accordance with authority, responsibility, rules, exemplary actions, norms, and profession’s code of conduct.


Being able to establish and build quality cooperation in order to generate added values, with mutual respect, mutual trust, mutual openness, and mutual benefit.


Building and improving positive awareness on the significance of moral and social responsibilities, as well as creating healthy, safe, and comfortable environment for the sustainability of the company and quality community life.




Message from Director


Board of Directors


Board of Managements

The Directors are responsible in leading the management of the Company in order to achieve goals, objectives and target performances in preserving and managing Company assets.

Ade Ruchyat Susardi
President Commisioner

Aryaperwira Adileksana

Bambang Sujatmiko

Sis Handaya Azis
President & CEO

Happy 44th Anniversary Aerofood ACS, Happy Anniversary to all of us.

On December 23, 2018 Aerofood ACS is turning 44 years old, a very mature age for a company. I am sure that we have done so much to keep the company growing and developing. At the age of 44 this year, our production level has reached 120,000 meals per day, a remarkable achievement and pride of the creation of all Aerofood ACS employees.

On this occasion I would like to express my gratitude and appreciation to all stakeholders, especially Aerofood ACS employees for their dedication. With this mature age, now is the time for us to start looking at far more challenging future. A new era with massive economic and technological changes that cannot be detained. Proven that companies with high innovation and creativity dominate the business development, like Traveloka, Go-Jek, Tokopedia, and other start-up companies competing to create new things beyond the limits of consumer needs. Now it’s time to change!

Being a reflection question for us, what have we done in the spirit of change? Maybe some things are still the same and run as usual, having a Business as Usual (BAU) mindset, maybe even seen as a step back if we look at a further perspective. Daring to get out of your comfort zone is a necessity and necessity.

Have we ever thought, how many times have we felt behind ideas or creativity? Then our competitors suddenly launch new innovations that we never thought about them before and in the end we become upset. If all this time we are satisfied when we able to solve a problem or meet customer demands, then be assured that this is actually not enough.  It is far more challenging to create something new beyond what is needed by the customer. Creating value, beyond customer expectation!

I am very proud to be in the midst of a team that has a high spirit. During these 80 days, collaborating with employees, many ideas have been conveyed. And not a few have been carried out. All employees from various layers were very enthusiastic when talking about how to make this company better in the future. All of this happens because of mindset changing and human capital are the main source of strength.

We need to leave the old mindset to make a better product or service to satisfy customers. It’s time to build a new mindset to find hidden need from customers.

Let’s unite our ranks, believe that we will be able to go through all of this if we work with a sincere heart, continue to build enthusiasm, don’t complain and don’t make excuse, it’s better to fail than not try at all, because failure is the best teacher to make changes.

Don’t be afraid to change and don’t hesitate to create something new for our services and for customers, just do it!

Done is better than perfect (Sheryl Sandberg), but it still doesn’t mean that “done” is just enough, we have to pursue perfection.
If we chase perfection, we can catch excellence (Vince Lombardi).

Finally, once again, happy anniversary Aerofood ACS and congratulations to all of us. Don’t forget to always thank God, the power that has given you the power to make changes. One more, no less important is staying close to the family, because the family is one source of inspiration and strength in work.

At this moment, please allow me to deliver a Happy Christmas for those who celebrate, and Happy New Year 2019!

Always stay young, revive and change our spirit to be better throughout the new year.

Flash back 2018 dan sambut New Normal 2019

Tahun 2018 sudah berlalu dan mari kita sambut tahun 2019 dengan suka cita. Banyak hal sudah kita lalui, membuat suatu yang baru, mendapati surprise, kegembiraan dan juga kesedihan. Pentingnya kita untuk mempelajari masa lalu (flash back), dan mengambil hikmah untuk masa depan yang lebih baik.

Secara umum, kinerja Aerofood tahun 2018 membaik dibanding tahun sebelumnya dengan pertumbuhan 6% (Revenue per November 2018), namun yang perlu dicatat bahwa dalam rentang 3 tahun terakhir banyak tantangan bisnis yang kita hadapi. Hal ini akan semakin meneguhkan tekad kita untuk semakin solid menghadapi perubahan dinamika bisnis, pantang menyerah dan selalu bersemangat untuk menciptakan yang baru.

Meminjam istilah yang sering dilontarkan oleh DZ, bahwa saat ini kita harus siap menghadapi Kenormalan Baru (New Normal), dimana bisnis harus mampu menciptakan more for less economy, menyatukan yang sama dan mengurangi duplikasi. Perubahan perilaku ekonomi ini didukung dengan perkembangan teknologi yang menciptakan keefisienan nyaris tanpa batas, dengan teknologi digital kita dipaksa untuk menggunakan asset sesedikit mungkin agar mendapatkan manfaat sebesar besarnya.

Trend saat ini, pesaing tidak lagi datang dari perusahaan sejenis, tapi justru dari usaha rintisan yang tiba-tiba datang tanpa diduga dan bisa mangancam petahana. Tentunya kita ingat fenomena Go-jek, Tokopedia, Traveloka dan lainnya yang kemunculannya secara tiba tiba mampu merontokkan kejumawaan petahana. Ini adalah fenomena new normal yang saat ini kita hadapi tanpa bisa dihindari, terlepas kita suka atau tidak suka.

Sebagai flash back 2018, saya mengajak rekan rekan semua untuk menjadikan tahun ini sebagai penanda menguatnya peran Aerofood di industri catering. Banyak milestone atau masterpiece yang sudah kita capai, namun banyak pula yang harus kita perbaiki khususnya dalam hal mengatasi resiko bisnis. Hal ini penting untuk kita selalu mawas diri dan terus melakukan transformasi, hanya dengan sikap mau menerima perubahan dan belajar dari pengalaman, kita tidak ingin mengulang kesalahan yang sama. Jangan ragu untuk melangkah (berubah), mari rapatkan barisan, satukan langkah untuk menghadapi hari esok yang lebih baik.

Selamat Tahun Baru 2019, Selamat menikmati New Normal.

CEO : Boedi Soeharto

I Wayan Susena
President & Director

Born in Surabaya, February 7, 1968, I Wayan Susena was appointed as President Director of PT Aerofood Indonesia based on the General Meeting of Shareholders of PT Aerofood Indonesia on February 25, Agustus 2021.

Prior to his current position in PT Aerofood Indonesia, he had held several Director Positions at PT GMF Aero Asia and PT Garuda Indonesia, which were: President Director, Director of Business & Base Operations, Director of Base Operations at PT GMF Aero Asia, and Technical Director at Garuda Indonesia. He also received several awards including: The Best Aircraft Engineer (1997), The Best Employee (2003), and The Most Popular Subsidiaries Company Leader in Digital Media (2020).

I Wayan Susena was graduated from Sepuluh November Institute of Technology (ITS), Surabaya, on 1991 majoring Mechanical Engineering and continued his Masters in Management at STIM Jakarta, graduated in 2004.

Born in Malang, February 20, 1967, Mohammad Arief Wicaksono is appointed as Director of Finance & Human Capital PT Aerofood Indonesia based on the results of outside the General Meeting of Shareholders of PT Aerofood Indonesia on February 10, 2022.

Before his current position in PT Aerofood Indonesia, he had held several position as a Vice President of PT Bank CIMB Niaga Tbk, Commissioner and Director of BUMD in Malang Regency Government, Director of PT Peruri Wira Timur.

Mohammad Arief Wicaksono was graduated from Bogor Agricultural Institute majoring in Agricultural Socio-Economic Sciences, graduated in 1989 and continued his Masters in Management at Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, graduated in 2004.

Mohammad Arief Wicaksono
Director of Finance & Human Capital

Emil Fadilah
Director of Operation

Born in Brebes, August 7, 1977 Emil Fadilah is appointed as Director of Operation PT Aerofood Indonesia based on the results of outside the General Meeting of Shareholders of PT Aerofood Indonesia on February 10, 2022.

Prior to his current position in PT Aerofood Indonesia, he started his career as Production & Operation Manager at PT Panamas Mitra Inti Lestari, Professional Trainer & Consultant at PPM Management as well as Division Head of PPM Public Training PPM Management, General Manager Industrial Catering, Vice President Industrial Catering, and Vice President Marketing & Business Development of PT Aerofood Indonesia.

Emil Fadilah was graduated from Diponegoro University, majoring in Civil Engineering, graduated in 1999 and continued his Masters in Management at PPM School of Management, Jakarta, graduated in 2001.

Eniaswuri Andayani
Vice President Corporate Affair

Eko Riyanto Putra Daya
Vice President Corporate Finance

M. Ghazali Malik

Vice President Business Support

I Made Hendra Sastrawan
Vice President Operation & Services

Vice President Human Capital


Company Policy Manual was developed with the intention to become a reference for the implementation of actions and decisions in PT Aero Wisata (hereinafter referred to as Aerofood) in the operations. The preparation was done by continuing and refining the policies that have been there, and equip it so that more relevant again with the current situation and plans for activities in the future.

Company Policy Manual Aerofood is the highest ranking in the hierarchy of two levels of Goods Policy. At the second stage there is a set of Functional Policy, among others: HR, Operations, Information, Finance & Accounting, Risk Management and other Functional Policy are described in the Standard Operating Procedure.

Company Policy Manual includes the core rules are used, and is a reference to all policies, systems, standard operating procedures and guidelines. Policy is a set of functional descriptions of the policies that apply at the Company, which jointly serve as the reference in the management and implementation of all systems and procedures.

In addition to being a reference in execution of its activities, the Company Policy Manual also serves as a guide in conducting surveillance, and simultaneously became the criteria that examiners in assessing the validity (validity) of all decisions and regulations issued by the Company. Regulations, decisions or statements of any kind is also contrary to the contents of this Corporate Policy Manual thus declared invalid. Accordingly, the Company Policy Manual Aero Tours intact function in the regulation of the Company.

Company Policy Manual is prohibited reprinted, copied or reproduced in any way without the written consent of the Director. Any additions or repairs Company Policy Manual must obtain written approval from the Board of Directors and acknowledged by the Board of Commissioners.


Aerofood committed to implementing practices of Good Corporate Governance (GCG) in achieving its vision and mission Aerofood. Business Ethics and Conduct Guidelines This is one form of commitment. This guide sets out the values (values) into the interpretation of eminent

Aerofood behavior related to Business Ethics and Conduct.

Aerowisata applicable ethical standards based on the values Aerowisata believed to be of superior value, namely FLY-HI, which include: efficient & effective, Loyalty, customer centricitY, openness and Honesty & Integrity in business and behave in relation with the motto “One Team One Spirit One Goal. The man of Aerowisata encourage all to always uphold and implement value-FLY-HI values.

Business Ethics and Conduct Guidelines are structured to be a reference to the Commissioners, Directors, Leaders, and Staff, as Insan Aerofood manage to achieve the vision, mission and objectives Aerowisata.


Good Corporate Governance is a process and structure used by the organs of the company to increase the success of efforts to create shareholder value over the long term with due regard to the interests of other stakeholders, based on legislation and ethical values.

The process of preparation of the Code of Good Corporate Governance (COGCG) begins with the Aero Tour Kick-Off held at Hotel Borobudur, Jakarta, which followed the Board of Directors, Commissioners Aero Tours and its subsidiaries. Furthermore Aero Tours conduct an assessment process conducted by the BPKP. BPKP assessment results produced seventy-seven recommendations are used as the basis for improving the implementation of GCG in the Aero Tour. One of the recommendations BPKP is preparing the Code of Good Corporate Governance (COGCG) Aero Tour.

GCG team drafting manuals such as the Code of Conduct, Coporate Policy Manual, and several Charter. The draft was discussed with Tim GCG Aero Tours, further discussed in the Joint Meeting of Directors and Commissioners. Finally, the approved draft is determined by the Directors Letters.


Our commitment to delivering innovative and creative catering service is realized through our innovative customer-oriented approach, in which our expertise and experience are recognized in various awards and certifications.



Our highly dedicated management and staff work hand-in-hand to serve our business partners from various industrie with premium products and services that are excelled at market demand and customer satisfaction.