Halalbihalal, Strengthen Relationships, One Step, Towards Aerofood ACS Success

Cengkareng (16/4), at the Aerofood ACS Building, a Halalbihalal event was held for Eid al-Fitr 1445 H, Strengthen Ukhuwah, Unite Steps, Towards Aerofood ACS Success which was attended by the Board of Directors and ACS Warriors.

In his speech, Mr. I Wayan Susena, as Main Director of Aerofood ACS, expressed his gratitude and thanks for the best contribution from all parties for the sustainability of Aerofood ACS. Apart from that, Mr. I Wayan Susena also invited us to sincerely forgive each other, to strengthen our togetherness again, so that we can move together enthusiastically towards the dream of Aerofood ACS.

Halalbihalal activities are characterized by interesting competitions and entertainment which increasingly provide a joyful warmth.

With this Halalbihalal activity, it is hoped that we can continue to maintain friendship and togetherness between all Aerofood ACS employees.