Aerofood ACS Ramadan Gathering Iftar & Sharing

Cengkareng (3/27) Located at Mosque Al-Muttaqiin Aerofood ACS Cengkareng, Representatives of Stakeholders, Commissioner, Line of Directions and ACS Warriors conduct the Ramadhan Silaturahim event which is part of the series of ACS Aerofood Ramadan Activities in this Holy Month.

Silaturahim started with the Reading of the Holy Verses of Al Qur’an by Ustaz Ahmad Nurzali Zaki SH, then continued with the welcome Speech from the President Director of Aerofood ACS, which followed at the same time also officiated the Al Muttaqiin Mosque which has been renovated into a very beautiful Mosque.

Aerofood ACS is also very grateful that at the Ramadhan Silaturahim event this time we could share by giving donation to the children from Wisma Tuna Ganda, a care center for children with special needs, foster children from Aerofood ACs, and children from Cimone Al Kautsar Foundation as well as getting Tausiah Ramadhan given directly by KH. Abdurrahman Djaelani or more familiar is greeted by Ustaz Udjae.

The Silaturahim activity ended with breaking the fast together and hospitality with all employees and invitees who attended.

Hopefully the Ramadhan Silaturahim Activities can continue to be carried out by Aerofood ACS, and beneficial to all officers and colleagues.