Palu, Aerofood ACS – In order to commemoration of the 16th Anniversary of IIKGA (Ikatan Isteri Karyawan Garuda Indonesia), members of IIKGA in collaboration with the humanitarian organization Aksi Cepat Tanggap (ACT) gave donation to the victims of the earthquake and tsunami in Palu, Sigi and Donggala. This social activity was attended by Mrs. Dewi Ari Askhara, Mrs. Ratih, Mrs. Retno Bayu, Mrs. Ana, Mrs. Etty, Mrs. Wiwit, Mrs. Mia Jubi, and Mrs. Rani Massie.

IIKGA arrived in Palu on Monday, November 26, 2018, at 6:15 a.m. Then they immediately visited several locations affected by the earthquake and tsunami, as follows:
IIKGA visited the location where the mosque was built at the Integrated Community Shelter (ICS) in Palu.

After visiting Buluri, IIKGA left for Balora to visit Perumnas which was destroyed by liquefaction. IIKGA also visited the refugee camp to distribute snacks and clothes for children, mothers, and the elderly. While visiting and providing donation to the PMI camp, IIKGA also met with Kepala Desa of Balaroa and talked about the conditions in Balora at this time.
In Petobo, IIKGA visited the house of Pak Sofyan (Garuda Indonesia employee) who was affected by the earthquake. The group provided rice cooker and fan to Mr. Sofyan and his family. Moving on from Pak Sofyan’s house, IIKGA left for the liquefaction location where only 9% of the 9000 voter lists were found.

4. Solowe, Sigi
Solowe is the location where MTS Al-Khairaat school will be built which was destroyed by the earthquake. There, IIKGA met MTS Al-Khairaat students and teachers, Ministry of Religion, and Kepala Desa of Solowe, Sigi. Not only that, on the same day there was also the laying of the First Stone for the construction of MTS Al-Khairaat and giving the school equipment such as blackboards, bags, and jackets for teachers and students.

5. Jl. Moh Hatta
From Solowe, IIKGA visited ACT’s Media Center office in Palu to give infaq, then they visited the Garuda Indonesia office affected by the earthquake. At 16.00 WIB, IIKGA group left for Jakarta.
The total donation that was collected: IDR 340,000,000. This donation, which is a collective donation from all Garuda Indonesia Groups, was used to fund the construction of the Mosque at the Palu Integrated Community Shelter (ICS) and the construction of MTS Al-Khairaat in Sigi and its equipment. Other donation was also given to Garuda Indonesia teams, teachers, and school students.
Thank you to all colleagues at Aerofood ACS who have participated in giving donation to our brothers and sisters who are affected by the earthquake and tsunami in Palu and its surroundings. We hope Palu, Donggala, and Sigi can recover quickly.
#IIKGApeduli #GarudaIndonesiaGroupPeduli #PrayForPalu #PrayForDonggala #AerofoodACS #CateringService