News Update
5May 2023
The Board of Commissioners, Directors and Management of PT Aero Wisata as the Parent Company Visited PT Aerofood Indonesia
The Board of Commissioners, Directors and Management of PT Aero Wisata as the Parent Company Visited PT Aerofood Indonesia Tangerang(04/5), The Board of Commissioners, Directors and Management of PT Aero Wisata as [...]
4May 2023
Aerofood ACS Was Trusted to Provide the Best Meal at Dharma Santi BUMN 2023
Aerofood ACS Was Trusted to Provide the Best Meal at the Peak Event of Dharma Santi BUMN 2023 Jakarta(1/5), Aerofood ACS trusted to provide the best meal at the peak event of [...]
21April 2023
Aerofood ACS Board of Directors and Management Directly Inspect Service Operational Activities during Peak Season of Eid Mubarak Homecoming 2023
Aerofood ACS Board of Directors and Management Directly Inspect  Service Operational Activities during Peak Season of Eid Mubarak Homecoming 2023 Tangerang(21/4), Aerofood ACS President Director Mr. I Wayan Susena and the Director [...]